With 2015 coming to a close, we would like to take this opportunity to send out a genuine "Thank you!" to all of our customers. Without you and your support, we would not be where we are today. Our team at National Fire Fighter Wildland Corp. is so grateful to be able to work for such a great, small company. And we truly appreciate the opportunity to serve customers like you, helping you protect yourselves, your families, your communities, property and lives from the devastating consequences of fire. Thanks to each of you for your business, your patience, your loyalty and especially your feedback.
This past year has been an exciting one for us. From launching our new website, enewsletter and fire blog to adding 60+ new products to our federal government (GSA) contract to working through one of the busiest fire seasons in many years to increasing our mobile attack skid unit business by 70%, 2015 challenged and pushed us to become even better.
For 2016...
We are ready to take on anything our customers need and are looking forward to a prosperous year. We have a solid team, a loyal customer base and some of the very best partners, vendors and products to help us along the way. While we can never know what the next fire season will bring, you can be sure that we are prepared to help you do your job effectively, efficiently and safely.
In early 2016, we will add quite a few new products to our offerings that we know our customers will love. Our Wildland Fire Equipment Catalog will be in your mailbox in early March, so keep an eye out. If you would like more information about our new products as soon as they are available, follow us on facebook for the latest news. We will continue to provide you with great content through our Fire Blog. While most of our content is meant to inform and help you, much of it is also great information to send out to your friends and family to help them learn more about what wildland firefighting entails. As always, we will keep large amounts of inventory on hand so that when you need it on the fire line, it's available. And if we don't have the specific item you need, ask us how quickly we can get it to you, or ask us if we have a comparable item in stock. We can usually find something that will work for you.
We are ready to make a difference in 2016 for each of our customers. Put us to work for you. We look forward to being a part of your success in the new year.
All of us at National Fire Fighter Wildland Corp. wish you a Happy New Year with lots of good fortune, happiness and prosperity.
Thank you!
Shannan Mills
Division Manager